Mental health conditions are a general part of the health of all people. They repre­sent a collection of illnesses like any subsection of the medical field. Unfortunately, the stigma related to mental health condition makes them out to be something to be ashamed of. Like all illnesses, mental health conditions can be:

a) Of genetic predisposition (High blood pressure, Diabetes, Bipolar)
b) Traumatic (Physical Disfigurement, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder)
c) Idiopathic -Asthma, some types of Cancer, Schizophrenia

Like all other diseases, a lot of mental health conditions are
a) Preventable with good practices
b) Curable if diagnosed early
c) Manageable if therapy is holistic and collaborative

As such, Valor is of the philosophy that the outcomes of any mental health condi­tion can be improved through preventive measures, early therapy and holistic treatment approaches. We carry out this philosophy by proactively seeking sus­tainable solutions.


Prevention of mental health conditions is complicated because any aspect of a person’s life plays a role in their mental health. The primary causes are home life and work/school life as these represent where people spend most of their time. At Valor Mental Health Foundation we act to:
• Promote healthy family dynamics and relationships. Because the family is the primary support system, we educate on conflict resolution, assertiveness, and healthy ways of expressing oneself with is a detriment to the mental health of your family.
• Promote mentally conscious workplaces which limit the sources of conflict and stress. We engage workplaces to implement policies that limit harassment, promote constructive conflict resolution and put measures in place to assist those struggling with their mental health.
• Educate people on the importance of work-life balance so they can provide for their families without jeopardizing their mental health.


The idea of being diagnosed scares a lot of people because they fear being labeled. We encourage people to seek regular assessments for their mental health and not hold on to achieve notions about mental health. We educate on the symptoms of mental health conditions so that people can understand what they are experience and seek help. Families are encouraged to be mindful of the mental health of their loved ones and seek help for them in cases where they see family exhibiting signs of a particular mental health condition.


A persistent misconception about therapy is that it involves a comfortable chair and a soothing therapist’s voice over a 7hr period. This picture is a limited definition of what therapies can be used to treat mental health conditions.

At Valor we utilize talk therapy, group therapy, exposure therapy, family therapy and other modalities to help our clients overcome their mental health struggles. Impor­tantly, we engage the client’s support system to participate in their treatment and reduce the isolation most clients feel without their support system. Clients and their families are encouraged to device healthy coping measures in their day to day, equipping them to be less dependent on therapy. Studies made across the world in different communities have proven this holistic approach to be most effective with a much lower relapse rates than the use of individual therapy modalities.